About Us and Double Eagle Mining Company
Meet The Owners of Double Eagle Mining Company, owner operators Debbie and John Aldrich. Both have strong interest in rare gemstones and being able to mine this rare Oregon Copper Bearing Sunstone and to make it available to the world is a privilege to both. John, being of Native American heritage believes strongly in being a good steward of the earth and to make sure it is preserved for future generations.
We look forward to helping you with your purchase of Oregon Sunstone. We sell direct to the industry and the public alike.

Double Eagle Mining Company is a privately owned environmentally conscious mining operation founded in 2004. We strive to meet or exceed all local, state and federal requirements and regulations. We operate under a State and Federal approved plan of operation. Under this plan we have in place a secured deposit of guaranty bond’ to insure that all necessary reclamation will be completed and/or the cost of reclamation covered.
We are registered with, licensed, and/or hold all necessary permits required by Lake County, Harney County, State of Oregon, The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), The Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), United States Department of Labor, and the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA).
Environmentally Friendly Mining is not an easy task. We are proud of our operation plans and goals. We use a dry screening process which uses no water or chemicals, eliminating the chance of introducing contaminates into the soil. Even our camp waste (wash) water has to be contained and hauled out to a waste water treatment facility. We only use the bare minimum equipment and runtime necessary to extract the Feldspar crystals from the host Basalt flows. Our camp is solar powered with a fuel efficient
Honda backup generator. We are proud of the fact that we mine 4-5 months a year and our carbon footprint is less than most homes for 2 months.

Reclamation and restoring of the mining site and any test areas is an ongoing responsibility and goal of Double Eagle Mining. After the extraction of all marketable minerals and crystals; all natural tailings and rubble are returned to the mining site. All testing sites are backfilled in a timely manner. After backfilling and returning the surface area to its natural state, we reseed with wild indigenous plant seed specific to the area. Our goal and mission is to return all disturbed areas back to their natural state for all future generations and wild life to enjoy.

Mine direct sales of Oregon Copper Bearing Sunstone
Call us at (541) 417-0158
Or send email to info@doubleeaglemine.com
Double Eagle Mining Company
P.O. Box 1337
Lakeview, OR 97630
Ph: (541) 417-0158